Who We Are

Founder Members

We are a team of professionals and experienced citizen from the area of Karatu Tanzania, who want to help and develop the local community in and around Karatu, especially for girls & women.

Pepea Children Foundation was founded by 6 locals and one foreigner, which are 4 women and 3 men from various professions such as entrepreneurship, social workers, teachers and marketing.

Staff Members

Rehema Bayo
Noela Saraw
(Social Worker)
Lucia Izack
Bibiana Amsi


Our project is supported by several German associations:

Pepea e.V. is our main German partner responsible for raising funds and creating awareness in Europe for Pepea Tanzania.

AKO – Aktionskreis-Ostafrika e.V. is active in Tanzania since more than 25 years and helping with primary care, healt care and construction mainly in the area around Moshi / Kibosho.